Que paséis unas muy felices fiestas navideñas en compañía de vuestros familiares y que la alegría, la esperanza y el Amor del Niño Santo nacido en Belén, así como su Fe y su Luz, llenen nuestros corazones para siempre.
I'm sorry to ask you this through the comment section but I could not seem to find a "contact" form. I'm currently desperate to find a Spanish translation of Chesterton's Ballad of the White Horse by Mexican author José Antonio Hernandez Garcia. As a spanish speaking Chesterton Society, would you know where to find it?
Thank you very much.
There is a blog devoted to the Ballad of the white horse: http://labaladadelcaballo.blogspot.com.es/
There is also a contact form:
Hopefully there you can get the book. Thank you for your comment.
Best regards
This website provides (on demand and for free) a translation by Marco Perez Rebasa much more amateurish than the one I'm looking for(though not bad, as far as I can tell)
I've heard that Hernandez Garcia, a famous Mexican scholar, has worked with the help of an English specialist of Chesterton, so his translation must be very accurate.
Anyway, I contacted the Mexican Chesterton Society on facebook about that, so maybe there's a chance I'll find this graal eventually.
Nice blog, by the way!